Years ago, when designing and delivering our early prototype workshops, I devised an exercise where we drew someone and then cut them (the sheet of paper!), in half.
One half was the landlord and the other half was the tenant. Participants were asked take the role of tenant or landlord. Together we snipped words out of magazines and stuck them on one side or the other. We looked for words that reflected the things we cared about as either the landlord or the tenant. You’ve guessed it – they were largely the same. They both wanted the other to be reliable, open, trustworthy and able to pay the rent.
Our reason for supporting landlords with their Tenant Engagement work operates along the same principles. Because we’re fantastic at bringing people together and building relationships. In delivering workshops, whether to scrutinise Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) or provide tenants with a voice and opportunity to meaningfully feed back on repairs, communication or how anti-social is tackled in their neighbourhood, tenants and landlords get to agree on the things they both want to improve.
So we’re thrilled that we can now offer housing associations our award-winning approaches to engaging with your tenants and facilitating the hard conversations with our Tenant Engagement offer.
As independent facilitators, this is what our inclusive, engaging and equitable workshops with your tenants achieve – a shared purpose as well as visible progress for your Boards, investors and the Regulator.
By partnering with Your Own Place, housing associations can enhance the support they provide by truly hearing their tenants and acting on their feedback. This improves tenant outcomes as well as ensures compliance with regulatory standards. Our flexible and relationships-first solutions and a collaborative approach can lead to more effective and sustainable support structures for both housing associations and their tenants in a world where all eyes are on how landlords treat their tenants.
“Your Own Place has demonstrated a deep understanding of the unique challenges and dynamics associated with tenant meetings. Their attention to detail and ability to manage logistics has resulted in seamless and productive meetings with the outcomes influencing key strategic decisions“
– Rebecca Claydon, Customer Engagement Manager, Freebridge Community Housing