What are these money workshops?
We’re really proud to be taking our confidential and small group workshops to people in work in Greater Norwich.
From January, we’re delivering 2-hour workshops in Norwich, where Your Own Place’s facilitators will create a confidential and safe environment to discuss money concerns, experiences and tips.
There will be no more than 10 people in the workshop, and it will be a blend of discussion and colourful activities.
Why offer these workshops to people in employment?
According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, two thirds of people in poverty live in a household where at least one adult is in work (source below*). We know that the Cost of Living Crisis is making things a lot harder to manage – we also know that talking about it can make it easier. Talking about it can mean you feel less alone, but on top of that, we can learn from each other different strategies to manage.
We’ve surveyed employers first to find out the best times to deliver the workshops.
Why should people come along?
Because they love checking Money Saving Expert’s emails and finding new ways to save
Because they are feeling the pinch with increasing energy bills this winter
Because they would like a comfortable space to discuss money
Whatever the reason, participants will be welcomed and their voice valued. The workshop is a combination of sharing and hearing experiences with money, and participating in colourful activities that add different strategies to your money managing arsenal.